As the cannabis industry has grown and evolved, so too has its packaging. From the days of illicit market sales to the current era of legalization, packaging has played a vital role in the cannabis industry. Let's take a look at the evolution of cannabis packaging and how it has adapted to changing times. 

 In the early days of the cannabis industry, packaging was largely unregulated. Cannabis was often sold in anything from ZipLock baggies to dram pop top bottles intended for prescription medication with little to no branding. Because cannabis was illegal, packaging didn't need to meet any specific standard or conform to any regulations. This lack of regulation led to several problems. Packaging was often low quality and it could easily be torn or punctured, which would compromise the product inside. Additionally, the lack of branding and labeling meant that consumers had little information about the products they were buying. 

As legalization of medical cannabis began to spread through some states, the need for packaging standards for cannabis emerged. Medical cannabis dispensaries needed to meet strict regulations, including child-resistant packaging and accurate labeling. This led to the development of more sophisticated packaging options. Plastic bottles with child-resistant caps became the norm, and labels included important information such as dosage, strain, and THC/CBD content. As the medical cannabis industry grew, so too did the demand for high-quality packaging. 

With the legalization of recreational cannabis in several states, packaging standards have continued to evolve. Many states require child-resistant packaging which has led to the development of more complex packaging options such as pouches, jars with locking lids, and blister packs. Packaging has also become an important part of branding in the cannabis industry. Companies are investing in high-quality, customized packaging that helps their products stand out on dispensary shelves. From zip lock bags to the packaging found in dispensaries today, there is no doubt that the packaging itself has become an important way for companies to differentiate themselves in a crowded market. 

 As the cannabis industry continues to grow and become more mainstream, we can expect to see further changes in packaging. Sustainability and environmental concerns are likely to become more important, leading to the development of eco-friendly packaging options. Technology is already being incorporated into packaging found in legal dispensaries today which include QR codes that provide information about the product’s origin and testing results. As the industry matures, we can expect packaging to continue to play an even more important role in shaping the cannabis experience for consumers.

March 23, 2023