In recent years, with increasing legalization in states, the cannabis industry has experienced significant growth. As growth continues, it is important to understand the impact that packaging has on the consumer experience.

From design choices to material type, like any other consumer product, the packaging of a cannabis product plays a vital role in creating a memorable experience for the consumer. Here are some ways in which packaging can enhance the cannabis consumer experience helping to ensure that consumers overcome the initial hump of purchasing and continue to stay loyal to their favorite brands:

  1. Safety and Security: All states with legalized recreational and medical use have guidelines regarding safety and security. All packaging must be child resistant. A good indicator that a product may be fake are improper child resistance measures. Child-resistant is especially important in the cannabis space in order to ensure the safety of minors. Furthermore, in regards to edible packaging, most states have guidelines about designs that are appealing to children. Cartoons, images popularly used to advertise to children and imitations of candy labeling are strictly prohibited and may result in significant fines.
  2. Product Information: Similar to the child resistance safety measures in the previous point, product information is a required element for every state with legalized recreational and medical use. Apart from the required “Universal Cannabis Symbol” that each respective state has as well as the generic name and net weights of the contents, other information such as manufacturer name and contact, date of manufacture, government warning statement, UID number, lot numbers, instructions for use and a list of ingredients are all required. If applicable, manufacturers must also include allergens, artificial food colors, expiration dates as well as any additional labels such as “KEEP REFRIGERATED” OR “FOR MEDICAL USE ONLY.” This might all seem like boring information, but manufacturers who fail to adhere to their state’s respective standards may be fined. It's also important to keep in mind that if none of the information listed on the product checks out, you may have a unlicensed product.
  3. Convenience and Portability: On top of child resistant safety measures, cannabis packaging should be convenient for consumers on the go. This can go hand in hand with safety measures, for example, in some states, edible packaging is required to be resealable. Regardless, packaging should be easy to open and close, and the product should be protected from damage during transport. This can include measures such as tamper-evident seals or even reinforced sidewalls in the event that the packaging is made out of cardboard.
  4. Brand recognition: The design of the packaging should reflect the brand’s personality. This can include design cues that mirror the brand’s values and mission. For example, if your brand places an emphasis on sustainability, it might be wise to use recyclable packaging or to even include designs relevant to sustainability. In a market that continues to grow with over-saturation of similar products, a well-designed package can help to establish brand recognition/identity and differentiate the product from competitors.
  5. Consumer Engagement: The design of the packaging itself can be used to engage consumers and create a memorable experience. It might be wise for a manufacturer to include information about rewards programs on the packaging itself. This can help a manufacturer engage with a consumer, long after they have even used the product, helping to leave a lasting impression in the consumer’s mind. It can be hard enough to even get a consumer to purchase your product for their first time, but once the consumer has overcome the initial hurdle of purchasing a product, cannabis companies should always be thinking about new ways and strategies to retain that consumer.

In conclusion, cannabis packaging plays a critical role in enhancing the cannabis consumer experience. Not only could companies be hit with huge fines for failing to adhere to packaging regulations, it also helps put the minds of consumers at ease in the event that a minor has access to cannabis products. Furthermore, it’s essential for companies to understand the impact that packaging can have on consumers and to make informed choices that help retain consumers. By focusing on safety and security, product information, convenience/portability, brand recognition, as well as consumer engagement, companies can create packaging that helps differentiate their products from similar competitors to drive and retain customer loyalty.

January 30, 2023